Praise and Worship Ministry

Here at the MISSION, we try to stay focused on what praise and worship is really about.   It is about celebrating and loving our God.  We strive for excellence in all we do.  The song selection can be one of the sacred hymns of the church stretching to one of the contemporary praise and worship songs of today.   It is not the style or music, it’s the worship experience.  It’s not about hype; it is about true sincere worship to our Heavenly Father.

The MISSION Praise team is committed to setting the atmosphere for worship.  We sing everything from the latest in contemporary music, to good ole Southern Gospel, and the faithful red-back hymnal.  We believe those who are members are not to just sing or play but, to lead others into worship. The members teach others how to worship in Spirit and in truth by example.
Check out our YouTube page to give us a listen